Burn down Emblem: Iii Houses Dancer guide - unlocking the dancer via the White Heron Cup, plus best dancer suggestions

Dancer is ane of the recurring special classes that accept been appearing in numerous Burn down Emblem titles. Characters with this course are highly valued because of their special Dance activeness which allows an ally grapheme who has already acted to make another move inside the same turn.

Being the latest mainline game in the series to engagement, Burn Emblem: Three Houses also has the Dancer in its class list. Nonetheless, at that place is a specific method to earn this grade every bit information technology is not bachelor through the normal form change and certification system. Y'all tin can read more than details on how to unlock the Dancer course in Three Houses right below.

Unlocking the Dancer: Win the White Heron Loving cup dancer contest

The concatenation of events that ultimately unlocks the Dancer class will happen in Month 12, before the fourth dimension skip. You must explore the monastery within the outset ii weeks of the month; when you lot practice that, there is a quest named White Heron Cup which is only available within the timeframe.

Afterward you accepted the quest from Rhea, you tin talk with a student whom you lot take recruited into your firm to take them stand for your firm in the dancing contest. Both female and male characters are eligible for the competition - and thus for the Dancer form equally well.

However, equally this is the only consequence that unlocks the class, only one character may assume the Dancer class in a playthrough. So make sure you cull the 1 grapheme that y'all really desire to make into a Dancer.


Once you've fabricated your decision, you tin can and so talk with Manuela to learn the minimum Cha stat required to win the contest. In most cases, the winning threshold seems to be thirteen. After that, you can talk again with your chosen candidate to initiate a special training session that increases their Cha by 5. If you feel that is not enough, you tin likewise do more things similar feeding them Golden Apples and Blackness Pearls if you lot have any or fifty-fifty inviting them to a tea party too.

Afterward you lot have prepared everything, you lot just need to wait until the White Heron Cup is held correct afterward the second lecture day of the month; that's when the quest will likewise be marked as complete. If everything goes well, the character you've chosen and trained volition win the competition and earn the exclusive Dancer class.

Check out our full Burn down Emblem: Iii Houses guide, which has information and tips from help for beginners to advanced battle strategy, including methods to unlock more specific classes such as Dark Mage and Dark Bishop.

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Who is the all-time Dancer candidate?

The winner of the White Heron Cup will also proceeds the Sword Avo +20 ability and Sword Trip the light fantastic gainsay art in add-on to the Dancer form, which grants skill experience bonuses for Sword and Say-so when equipped. Dancer is also 1 of the few classes that are able to employ magic. With those points in mind, you will want to consider a graphic symbol who is good in both sword and magic to make the fullest use of all the perks received.

Whether yous are choosing the Blackness Eagle Business firm or recruiting characters from another house, Dorothea is arguably the best overall candidate for this grade. As she has a background on working in the opera, that is already a very potent reason setting-wise to consider her. On height of that she works with the stats, too: she excels in Sword and Reason, with a budding talent in Faith that eventually lets her learn some healing magic too.

Dorothea even retains her default attire with the Dancer course later on after the time skip, indicating that this indeed is one of her catechism classes.


Best Dancer Candidates: dancer grade recommendations for each business firm

If y'all desire to consider some more than alternatives, these are the characters that we tin recommend to become a Dancer based on their natural, base-line skills:

  • Hilda (Golden Deer character) - Her personal ability Advocate has practiced synergy with this grade, equally male allies adjacent to her can deal more damage.
  • Marianne (Golden Deer character) - She excels in Sword and Faith, and is not weak against Reason. She tin can likewise recover HP on her own when placed side by side to a mounted unit.
  • Lysithea (Gilded Deer character) - She excels in both Reason and Faith with budding talent in Sword
  • Ignatz (Gilt Deer graphic symbol) - He excels in Sword with budding talent in Reason
  • Felix (Blue Panthera leo grapheme) - Just like Ignatz, he besides excels in Sword with budding talent in Reason
  • Ingrid (Blue Lion graphic symbol) - She excels in Sword, is not weak confronting Reason nor Faith, and has a gambit-boosting personal ability for her own battalion.

But in the end, you can brand your own final choice for the Dancer candidate as all students that have been recruited into your firm as of Month 12 are eligible. It's also very easy to increase their Charisma stat beyond the winning threshold if you lot have the resources.