How Many Days Can a Dog Go Without Eating

Domestic dog Non Eating: How Long Can a Canis familiaris Go Without Eating?

Carol Young

If yous are a dog possessor, there may exist times when your best friend doesn't feel like eating or will refuse to eat anything. Information technology's probably an obvious assertion that when your fur infant doesn't experience like eating, it ways something is wrong, or there may be a health-related problem.

how long can a dog be without food

There are many reasons why a dog may not desire to eat, and owners might wonder how long their pooch can go without eating, and when to call the veterinary. Typically, dogs can go iii to five days without nutrient (provided they take access to h2o), merely if your pet has gone more than than two days without eating information technology'southward recommended that you telephone call your veterinarian right away.

Reasons Why Your Dog Won't Swallow

There are various reasons why your pooch might not swallow, ranging from medical to behavioral, and several are listed below:

Medical Conditions

1. Dental

Your pet may not want to swallow because something in the mouth is causing hurting, such equally a loose tooth, severe gingivitis or gum affliction, a foreign body, or fifty-fifty an oral tumor. Contact your veterinarian if y'all notice that your best friend is drooling more than often or seems painful when trying to eat. A complete oral test can dominion out any dental bug.[1]

2. GI Bug

Dogs who endure from gastrointestinal (GI) problems such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBD) or other tummy-related problems may non feel like eating from fourth dimension to fourth dimension and may pick at their food, or skip a meal or ii. These dogs may benefit from a specialized diet that encourages nutrient absorption in the gut, and your veterinarian can recommend several diets that are peculiarly formulated for canines with GI weather.

3. Illness

A decreased appetite is often a sign of sickness, particularly if your family unit friend is exhibiting other symptoms at the same fourth dimension. Although a loss of appetite in dogs doesn't necessarily indicate serious illness, prompt veterinary attending is of import because if your pet isn't eating, it could be a sign of disease, such equally cancer, infection, kidney failure, pancreatitis, or metabolic illness. Just like humans, dogs ofttimes lose their appetites when they're ill and don't feel skilful.

four. Recent vaccination

As with humans, dogs can sometimes feel a little lethargic, and downwards after vaccination, and they may not feel like eating. Nonetheless, almost vaccination side effects subside after 24 hours, and if your pet yet isn't eating, then contact your veterinary.

5. Recovering from a Surgery

Many dogs don't experience like eating subsequently surgery, and in some cases, this is due to the anesthetic medications that can upset the stomach, diarrhea, and constipation. If your dog has undergone any type of surgery, her appetite should return within 24 hours, and if not, contact your veterinarian.

6. Medications

If your pet is on medication, this might be the reason for a decreased appetite. Some common medications, such as non-steroidal (NSAIDS) medications prescribed for arthritis, tin cause GI upset and inappetence and loose stools.

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7. Female Domestic dog in Estrus

If yous have an intact female, you lot may observe that her appetite may wane now and so, and this is caused past varying hormone levels. It'southward of import to consult your veterinarian regarding nutrition for female dogs as they have college free energy needs than spayed ones.

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reasons why dog don't eat

Image by Lisa Fotios from Pexels

Other Conditions

1. Stress

Dogs who are stressed or sensitive to changes in the environment, such as after a move or travel, may not want to eat. You can try introducing palatable foods to encourage your pup to swallow, or warming upwardly some soft food to make information technology odor enticing. Even so, if yous think that your pup is stressed, contact your veterinary. Your veterinarian tin recommend anti-anxiety medications and ambition stimulants as well.

2. Anxiety

Dogs tin become stressed and may not want to consume. Pups who suffer from anxiety can too experience changes in eating habits. Again, trying to offer a tasty well-balanced diet tin help, as can anti-anxiety medications.[2] [3]

iii. Depression

Just like humans, pets can become depressed, particularly afterward the loss of a loved ane or a litter-mate. They may act a flake lethargic, and only non feel like eating. If your family friend is mourning the loss of a loved one, try to offer some extra attention, and if this doesn't work, contact your veterinarian. Your veterinarian may prescribe an ambition stimulant or an antidepressant.

4. Picky Eater

Some dogs are but picky, and their reluctance to consume may be caused past the environment, such every bit being around an aggressive domestic dog, in a noisy room, or a foreign, new place. Every bit owner, y'all know your pet best, and if you think that your fur-baby is a naturally picky eater, you may want to contact your veterinarian for recommendations. Some dogs adopt certain kinds of food textures, flavors, and smells, and sometimes they tin get bored with eating the same matter every day. It'due south not recommended varying the diet too much every bit information technology can cause tummy and GI upset, so you may want to check with your veterinarian first, before exploring a different diet for your pup. [4]

5. Travel or Modify in Environment

If your dog's ambition was fine until yous went on a trip with them or moved to a new location, it may exist that your pup won't consume because of traveling or the unfamiliar surroundings. Some animals may get car-ill, and others get nervous or uncomfortable in new places. Information technology may take a day or two after a motility for your pet to settle in and start eating again. Also, some pups are sensitive to new additions to the household, such as a new pet or a babe, and this may likewise cause a temporary loss of ambition.

6. Table Scraps

If your dog is but refusing certain foods, that's a good sign at that place'southward nil seriously wrong, and picky eating tends to occur more ofttimes in pets who've been fed a wide variety of foods, or who often get table scraps.

7. Spoiled Nutrient

Yous canine might not be eating because there might be something wrong with the food. If the dog suddenly stops to eat a brand of food they've been on for a long time, check that the food hasn't spoiled, and always be on the picket for food recalls. Yous try purchasing a new bag or can or the normal food, and see if he will eat information technology, and you could e'er cheque to meet if the ingredients accept changed.

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When to Visit the Veterinarian

when to visit the veterinarian if my dog dont eat

Paradigm past @gpointstudio from FreePik

If you have tried everything under the sun to get your pet to eat, and just haven't had whatever luck, contact your veterinarian immediately, particularly if it'due south been more than two days. Also, if your pooch exhibits any of the following symptoms, you should contact your veterinarian as before long as possible.

  • Vomiting.
  • Lethargy.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Weight loss.
  • Gagging, wheezing, or cough.
When making an date with your veterinarian, make a note of several things:
  • How long has it been since your dog stopped eating?
  • Is your dog drinking water?
  • Any other symptoms such as airsickness, diarrhea, or lethargy?

What if My Dog is Healthy, But Still non Eating

If you have seen the veterinary, and there is no medical reason for the inappetence, and he is healthy, attempt the post-obit tips to get your pup to consume.

  • Cutting back on treats and table scraps. Dogs who fill up on in-between meal snacks may feel likewise full to eat a regular meal.
  • Exercise your pet before mealtime. Merely as with humans, fresh air and exercise tin can stimulate an appetite.
  • Feeding your pet on a regular schedule, at least twice daily. This manner your canis familiaris will get used to a regular feeding routine.
  • Endeavour to make mealtimes fun and entertaining, such equally investing in a toy that dispenses food, or take your pup complete a job and reward him with a treat.
  • Experiment with feeding surround. For example, if you have other pets, feed your finicky eater in another room, or split from the residuum of the pack. Or if your pet has neck bug, attempt elevating the feeding and drinking bowls to make him more comfy.
  • With your veterinarian's OK, try feeding a different kind of food, such as canned food if you normally feed your pooch dry food.
  • Warm up the food. Endeavour warming upwards food in the microwave. This will release aromas that your pet may non exist able to resist.
  • Offer frequent small meals. Offering smaller meals more frequently might help besides, but exist sure to remove any leftovers if your pet hasn't eaten within 15 minutes or then.
  • Add together a bit of warm water or no-sodium broth to the kibble to make it more tasty and appealing.
  • Offer a bland diet. If your dog is off his food, try offering a habitation-cooked bland diet, such as boiled chicken and rice, making for a tasty and hands digestible diet.

dog is healthy but not eating

Photograph by Daniel Sandoval on Unsplash

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As a rule, dogs love eating, so sometimes, a decrease in appetite is the start sign of a larger problem. If you've noticed a modify in your dog's eating habits lately, the expert news is that information technology doesn't e'er take to be a crusade for major concern. In that location are several reasons your hirsuite family member might be neglecting his food bowl, and not all of them indicate a health issue. And as always, if you have whatsoever questions or concerns, contact your veterinarian. Your veterinarian is your best resource for pet-related issues.


How long can a dog go without eating before it dies?

The idea of a pet passing away from not eating is horrific, but most dogs that are not sick, or suffering from a medical condition can survive for iii to v days without eating. All the same, this depends on whether the animal has access to h2o, which is essential. Pets that are ill, underweight, very young, or elderly might not survive without eating for a day or 2 and will need immediate medical attending.

What happens if a dog doesn't eat for 3 days?

A healthy dog tin get upwards to five days without eating, however, daily water consumption is essential. They tin survive approximately two-iii days without water, merely this can be life-threatening considering when a dog is dehydrated information technology affects all trunk systems, and crusade the kidneys and other organs to fail. If your otherwise salubrious dog has not eaten for three days, contact your veterinarian as before long every bit possible. Information technology may exist a sign of a serious medical problem, such as exposure to a toxin or a GI obstruction.

Will a domestic dog starve itself to death?

Good for you canines volition rarely miss a meal, nonetheless, dogs that are ill or who suffer from medical conditions such as cancer, pancreatitis, or renal affliction will terminate eating, and it tin exist a challenge to get these pets to eat. Unfortunately, many dogs who are seriously sick will just stop eating, and in these cases immediately contact your veterinarian. Your veterinarian can make recommendations depending on the status.

What to feed a sick domestic dog that will non consume?

If your dog is suffering from an disease, and you have made an appointment with your veterinary to determine the cause of your pooch inappetence, and your veterinary has given yous the OK to try to get your dog to eat at habitation, at that place are some tips. Try warming up some canned food; heating canned nutrient releases the aromas, and this may entice your dog to eat. Endeavour to add together flavour to food, such as a chip of non-sodium broth, or a scrambled egg or two.

Article Sources:

  1. Harvey, Colin E. "Periodontal Disease in Dogs: Etiopathogenesis, Prevalence, and Significance."Science Direct,
  2. Denenberg, Sagi, et al. "Canine and Feline Dementia: Behavioural and Medical Differentials of Cerebral Pass up and Dementia in Dogs and Cats."Springer Link,
  3. Schwartz, Stefanie. "Separation Feet Syndrome in Dogs and Cats."AVMA,
  4. Williams, Krista. "My Dog Won't Eat: Feeding Picky Eaters."VCA Animal Hospitals,


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