Reviews of 360 Freestyle Cordless Iron - Purple for Panasonic

Panasonic 360 Freestyle Cordless Fe Review

Cordless Iron + Product Review + Panasonic 360 Freestyle, Quilting Irons, Best Irons for Quilting + Sewing, Purple Iron

Hello Crafty Friends!

I'yard sharing my review on this cordless iron today by Panasonic.

Total disclosure:  I purchased this iron from Amazon myself.  It was non provided to me in exchange for a review.  Afterwards reading my personal review, if you decide to purchase it using my affiliate link, I do receive a small sales commission from your transaction.  My chapter links are below and if you do purchase, thanks in advance for supporting my fiddling website!

Panasonic 360 Freestyle Cordless Iron on Amazon – Purple

Panasonic 360 Freestyle Cordless Iron on Amazon – Blue

Panasonic 360 Freestyle Cordless Iron on Amazon – Black

Now, on to the review!

Cordless Iron + Product Review + Panasonic 360 Freestyle, Quilting Irons, Best Irons for Quilting + Sewing, Purple Iron

First and foremost, this atomic number 26 is a GAME CHANGER!!

I had my previous iron for 15 years!  It still works and I yet love it.  I feel guilty about leaving it.  Nosotros've been through and then much.  But the fact that this new atomic number 26 does not have a string attached directly to it, makes a huge deviation!  No more beingness mindful of the string while ironing and even ameliorate, no more fighting with the cats that come to attack the cord while I'm trying to iron!  🐈

Cordless Iron + Product Review + Panasonic 360 Freestyle, Quilting Irons, Best Irons for Quilting + Sewing, Purple Iron

It has your usual settings – low-medium-high, with or without steam.  You tin steam horizontally or vertically!

Cordless Iron + Product Review + Panasonic 360 Freestyle, Quilting Irons, Best Irons for Quilting + Sewing, Purple Iron

Y'all can iron in any direction you want!  Find that both the back and front of the plate is angled for pressing.  I suppose that's why its named "360° Freestyle"… because yous're complimentary to become all effectually if yous wanted!  😉  Another point about the iron plate, information technology has holes all around it for and even steaming.  And then amazing!  ✨

Cordless Iron + Product Review + Panasonic 360 Freestyle, Quilting Irons, Best Irons for Quilting + Sewing, Purple Iron

Here's a view of the water tank.  Information technology'south removable!  You don't have to take the entire iron to the sink to refill, only the tank.  I've read some Amazon reviews of customers complaining that the water tank is too small and they have to refill too often.  As quilters, we use the fe frequently to steam printing while piecing and I don't agree with the reviews.  Yep, the water tank is small but information technology can run for a practiced ii hours before a refill.  I don't think it's so bad that you have to get upward every 2 hours to refill the h2o tank.  Y'all should be getting upward to stretch anyhow a few times an hour!  Refill a water tank while your'eastward at it!

While we're on the topic of Amazon reviews.  There are a few reviews that complain near how the iron shuts off if not in use for 10 minutes or more.  Again, we're quilters.  This doesn't impact the states really.  Nosotros're constantly pressing our fabric pieces so the iron doesn't stay idle all that long.  And even when information technology does get to sleep subsequently the ten minutes, it only takes about 10-15 seconds for it to heat back upwards to high.  But and so over again, to some folks, that'southward a long time.  But I think I have a little more patience than well-nigh people, I suppose.  🙄

Cordless Iron + Product Review + Panasonic 360 Freestyle, Quilting Irons, Best Irons for Quilting + Sewing, Purple Iron Cordless Iron + Product Review + Panasonic 360 Freestyle, Quilting Irons, Best Irons for Quilting + Sewing, Purple Iron

Here's what the base of operations looks like.  It is used to rest the hot iron on information technology while non in agile utilize.

Cordless Iron + Product Review + Panasonic 360 Freestyle, Quilting Irons, Best Irons for Quilting + Sewing, Purple Iron

It also comes with a embrace that doubles every bit a conveying case!

Cordless Iron + Product Review + Panasonic 360 Freestyle, Quilting Irons, Best Irons for Quilting + Sewing, Purple Iron, Sewing Room

Here's where I keep the iron in my sewing area.  I am correct-handed then the setup is perfect!

To summarize, I LOVE this atomic number 26!

  • It's cordless.
  • Perfect weight for pressing quilt blocks
  • Removable h2o tank
  • Heats up quick
  • Comes with a carrying case
  • It'due south cordless!!

Hither are the links again if you'd similar to endeavour for yourself!  Information technology comes in three colors – regal, blueish, and black!

Panasonic 360 Freestyle Cordless Iron on Amazon – Purple

Panasonic 360 Freestyle Cordless Fe on Amazon – Blue

Panasonic 360 Freestyle Cordless Iron on Amazon – Blackness

If you practise determine to go i for yourself, I'd dearest to know what you think!

Susie ✨☺️

Have you tried this atomic number 26?  What do y'all call back?


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