How to Treat Diarrhea in 10 Month Old Baby

how to treat diarrhea in babies

Larn what to feed your baby for diarrhea and how to foreclose dehydration

Diarrhea tin cause extreme dehydration in babies, especially if the diarrhea is accompanied by airsickness. So your main goal should be to prevent dehydration in your infant.

Dehydration causes your baby to lose essential minerals and electrolytes, which need to be replaced by giving them frequent, small amounts of liquids such equally oral rehydration solutions.

Oral rehydration solutions, as well called electrolyte solutions, assistance supersede the water and salts lost during diarrhea. They comprise merely enough sugar to allow for the absorption of sodium, potassium, and water without causing more diarrhea. They may also exist easier to digest for your babe every bit opposed to other things in their diet..

Oral rehydration solutions often come in liquid or popsicle forms and unlike flavors. Common products are Naturalyte, Enfalyte, Pedialyte and CeraLyte, which tin be bought over-the-counter in drugstores and some retail stores.

How to help your baby rehydrate

It'due south important to rehydrate your baby before they take lost as well many fluids. Showtime giving them fluids later they have stopped passing loose stools for 30-60 minutes. Just don't feed them forcefully.

Table: Estimated oral fluid and electrolyte requirements by body weight
Body weight (in pounds) Minimum daily fluid requirements (in ounces)* Electrolyte solution requirements for mild diarrhea (in ounces for 24 hours)
6-vii ten 16
11 15 23
22 25 40
26 28 44
33 32 51
40 38 61

1 pound = 0.45 kg
1 ounce = 30 mL
*Note: This is the minimum amount of fluid that a normal child requires. About children drink more than this.

Other tips to go along in mind when rehydrating your infant include the post-obit:

  • Start with pocket-size amounts of fluid every five-10 minutes. Apply a teaspoon instead of a loving cup.
  • If your kid vomits the fluid, wait at least xxx minutes earlier offering once more.
  • Give your baby clear fluids instead of juice or carbonated drinks. Practise non give them sports drinks and utilize oral rehydration solutions instead.
  • If your infant is breastfeeding:
    • Continue giving them breastmilk.
    • Offer an oral rehydration solution between feedings if the diarrhea is astringent.
    • Once the infant's stools aren't so loose, stop giving them the oral rehydration solution.
  • If your baby is bottle-feeding:
    • Give them thirty-60 mL of fluid every 30 minutes.
    • Offer an oral rehydration solution between feedings if the diarrhea is severe.
    • If formula milk worsens the diarrhea, terminate and endeavor rice or soy formula instead after consulting your doctor.
  • If your child is on solid food:
    • Don't rush to feed them.
    • Don't forcefulness your child to consume, especially if they have tum hurting and cramping.
    • If your child finds it hard to consume, give them frozen juice bars or ice chips.
    • If your child feels hungry, give them a pocket-size portion of bland nutrient, such as rice or crackers, and avert spicy or oily foods. The Deviling diet is ideal: bananas, rice, absurdity, and toast.
    • If symptoms worsen with food, go back to clear liquids.
    • Resume the kid's normal nutrition gradually as they get-go to feel better. If diarrhea or cramping worsens again, get back to a simple diet or clear liquids.


Newborn babies don't sleep very much. Run into Answer

Should I treat my baby's diarrhea with supplements or medications?

Zinc supplements are a new intervention for treating acute and long-standing diarrheal episodes in children. Many studies have proven that administering zinc along with new low osmolarity oral rehydration solutions or salts tin reduce the duration and severity of diarrheal episodes in a kid. Ask your doctor virtually what dose is advisable for your child.

While probiotics for babies are also available, at that place isn't plenty evidence every bit to whether they work. Don't give them to your baby without asking your doctor outset.

At that place are two vaccines against rotavirus, which can forbid diarrhea caused by rotavirus in children. The CDC recommends RotaTeq to be given in three doses (at two, 4, and 6 months of age) or Rotarix® to be given in 2 doses (at 2 and iv months of historic period).

When should I run across a doctor?

If your baby has the following symptoms, consult a doctor immediately:

  • Signs of dehydration:
    • Dry and viscous oral cavity
    • No tears when crying
    • No moisture diaper for 6 hours
    • Sunken fontanel (space betwixt the bones of the skull)
  • Diarrhea for more than 24 hours
  • Fever of 101 degrees F or higher
  • Black or tarry stools
  • Presence of blood or pus in the stool

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Medically Reviewed on six/16/2021


Fairview Wellness Services. Diet for Diarrhea Only (Infant/Toddler). east/t/_/Diet_for_Diarrhea_Only_InfantToddler_115974en

Medline Plus. Diarrhea in Infants.

U.S. Food and Drug Association. How to Treat Diarrhea in Infants and Young Children.

American Academy of Pediatrics. Treating Dehydration With Electrolyte Solution. condition/intestinal/Pages/Treating-Aridity-with-Electrolyte-Solution.aspx


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